Pol Juan
Project Overview
Freedom, is the word that comes to my mind at this moment. After months of pure dedicacion and hard work on the most important and elaborate project i have ever been part of, i can only look back and be proud of the final product and the team that made it possible. Being part of the design department have been the most amazing thing i have done in my college career , not only for the people who contributed on the design i had been able to work with , but the knowledge i gained in the process.
Although i have been touching diferents system, Boss Design have been my favorite part of the project and where i felt like i could been working on this in any other videogame. To sum up, i would to express my gratitud to all the members and companions of the team, who have done an amazing job. I'm very proud to been able to work with them , i hope this time wasn't the last one we do it.

Din Djarin
Design and first prototype
During the first milestone, I was one of the people responsible for designing Din Djarin's movement and mechanics from scratch. After getting the first iteration on paper, we moved the action to unity, to prototype the values and make all the necessary changes to make it as polished as we could at the time.

Boss Design
I was assigned to design the bosses after the first implementation in the Rancor engine. What we had at that time was an enemy, and my job was to turn it into a boss, so that's what I did, emphasizing the player-boss interaction.
- Design all his feedback
- Change damage and speed values
- Polish and fix gameplays problems
- And finally make him a challeging boss

Wampa & Skel
For Wampa and Skel was just the first implementation in-engine from the Unity prototype .Although, as a boss designer at the time, I designed and changed some attacks and feedback for the pair, as well as discussing their animations with the art department.

Moff Gideon
After gaining the trust of the bosses and the producer with my previous work, I was entrusted with the task of implementing and designing the final boss in the engine: Moff Gideon. In addition, Smilegate allowed us to use their MOCCAP technology to get more realistic and refined animations for him. However,due to some problems with the animations and logic of the first implementation, the first iteration was discarded and reworked.

Motion Capture
MOCAP Session
As I mentioned in the previous section, thanks to Smilegate we were able to create animations using motion capture technologies. In the case of Moff Gideon, I was responsible for directing and scripting his animations for the crew and the actor, introducing a small description of the animation and making different examples made by me.

Main Menu
In the last milestones, I was in charge of the final iteration of the main menu. As the main responsible some elements of it were added in scenes, as some others were redone by my scrum and bug fixing team.
- The scene itself
- Transitions between buttons
- Controller Alert
- Web button

Other Stuff
Ui Transitions

Level 2 prototype and collider implemented in-engine

Pull and push prototype

Particle System first implementation