Pol Galan
Project Overview
As a member of the design team, my goal in this project was to create a fun experience while learning how to work in a team with other designers and and compenetrating with the other departments. While doing this, I've been able to work in many different fields during the development of our game.
I've also been in charge of some Scrums, being their Scrum Master, mostly in the late part of the development of the game, leading my teams to the best result possible.
Being a part of this team has been an amazing journey, leading to a great result I'm proud to be a part of.

My contribution
Narrative & Social Links
One of my main interests in game development is its narrative aspect, a part of this project I really wanted to contribute to. At the beginning of the development I, alongside two of my teammates, wrote the main plot of the game. Later I was in charge of writing the script, with all the dialogues, for the story, and the dialogues the side characters would have for their Social Links. I also, with the help of some of my Code Department teammates, worked on the dialogue system in engine.
I worked too developing the Social Links system, designing its funcionalities and its rewards, and implementing it in the engine with my Code teammates.

Enemy & Boss Design
In one of the milestones of the project, I worked with two teammates on the design of the third level enemies and Boss. Once we designed this enemies, each one of us prototyped one of the enemies, me doing the Boss specifically.
In this milestone I acted as the Scrum Master, so I had to manage the team while dealing with the short time we had to make these designs and prototypes, since us not finishing on time would have meant the third level would not have been included into the game.

Since we needed to make sure our game was fun to play and easy to understand by the players, we needed to make playtest sessions with people from outside of the development team. Javier Belda and I were in charge of these playtest sessions, one made during the Alpha 2 period and the last one during the Gold. We prepared a document, where we made the guidelines for these sessions, questionnaires to be filled by the testers and a conclussions document once the sessions where finished, apart from conducting the sessions themselves.

At one point during the development of the game, thanks to the playtest sessions, we realized the tutorial we had wasn't enough for the players to understand all the mechanichs of our game. I was in charge of this second iteration of the tutorial, adding pop-ups to fully explain every mechanichs, new zones and other features.

Level Design & Implementation
I've designed many levels, some of which are in the final game, like the post-boss rooms. I've also been in charge of implementing blockkouts into the game at some points, like the whole third level.

Other Stuff
During the development of the game I've worked on some other things:
- Skill trees: First iteration and implementation in engine.
- Audio: Did one of the first audio iterations on early stages and came back later on to work on third level music implementation.
- Wave System: Did some final iterations to the waves for all our game.
- Post-Boss Rooms: Adding dialogues, helping with the shop, etc.
- Many little things here and there.