Bernat Casañas
Project Overview
Doing this great project has not only improved my programming skills, but also my teamwork and above all new friendships. The relationship that has been created thanks to this project between all of us has been what I keep from all of this. I have been mainly dedicated to C# programming and bosses programming, although I have also played with C++.

My contribution
I have worked with the camera to make it smooth and usable. First of all, I have made the movements smooth as well as its zoom in/out. Also, I worked on its camera shake.

My most important work on this project has been the programming of the bosses. First of all, I worked on the polish of the rancor, the enemy of the first level. Secondly, I worked on the programming of the Wampa and Skel (second level bosses), as well as their polish. Finally, I completely programmed the first version of the moff gideon (final boss).

I help the people in charge of programming the stormtrooper. Both in its creation and in its polish phase.

Nav Mesh Agent Component
I made the component in charge of joining the object and navmesh so that it can move with paths created with the recast. Also, functions that access the internal nav mesh to create paths, collect data and others.

Bug Fixing and QA
A complicated and hated job is to not only collect in a list all the bugs that were found throughout the game, but also to fix them. As we all know, detecting where the bug is is easy, the other is how to fix it. Long hours of bug fixing and QA with my scrum